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If you want to remember a loved one with a Eulogy that expresses your feelings in a unique way, create an Epic Rendition. We take the relevant details of someones life and turn it into a work of art. A Eulogy created with our help will live in the lives of a person's survivors forever!
If you're interested in reading some of our other Renditions, we suggest that do that when you have some spare time. Like a great song, you cannot appreciate or enjoy a Rendition if you fast-forward through it. Our rhythm is our "trademark," so let yourself "feel the rhythm." Also, like a great song, the more times you hear a Rendition, the more you will like it! Read them a few times and you will see what we mean. Please be sure that you read the Rendition Profiles first. These are the entire basis for our Renditions. They appear at the beginning of each Rendition.
We are often asked if this is poetry. We try to avoid the words "poetry" and "poems" because they are misleading terms when compared to what we do. "Poets" write "Poems" and poems generally contain similes, metaphors and other fancy, poetry-related words that most of us simply cannot relate to. At Epic Renditions, we have specially trained "Composers" who write "Renditions," which are quite different from poems. We use simple, everyday words, and we exclude words with deep meanings that need to be contemplated. We don't use similes, metaphors, or anything that makes our Renditions hard to read. Instead, our Renditions are designed to read the way we speak, but with an intricate, well-designed Rhythm and Rhyme that flows smoothly and tells a great story. The "star" of the story is the Gift Recipient.

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Corporate Renditions

Employee Recognition Awards, Retirements, Promotions, Employee of the Month Awards, Best Customer Awards, Top Salesperson Awards, etc.


Loved Ones, Friends, Sons, Daughters, Mom, Dad, Grandchildren, Teachers, Coaches, Nurses, and even You! Check out "It's Me - The New Eddie!"


Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Anniversaries, Mother's Day, Congratulations, Sweet 16's, Valentine's Day, and even "I'm Sorry!"